Fraser Coast Anglican College is a co-educational school with over 750 students from Kindergarten to Year 12. We enjoy a beautiful, natural environment set in the rapidly growing coastal city of Hervey Bay.

Our mission is to provide a high quality learning environment within a Christian community of the Anglican tradition which enriches the mind, body and spirit of each student. It is for this reason that a major emphasis is placed on the teaching and learning environment which exists both within and outside the classroom environment.

Our caring pastoral care system is based on an individual knowledge of every child within each of the sub schools: Kindergarten (3-5 Yr. olds), Junior School (Prep – Yr. 6), and Middle/Senior (Yrs. 7 – 12). We have a broad range of co-curricular activities in sport and the arts as well as an extensive outdoor education program of camps, leadership opportunities, service programs and a variety of clubs and activities that provide challenge, extension and stimulation for our students. We encourage and expect our students to participate actively in the life of the college and wider community.
Fraser Coast Anglican College is a community of learners who seek to develop well-rounded, confident young adults who are prepared for life beyond the school gates. Our graduates have recorded success in the full range of careers both within Australia and internationally.
Contact details:
Ph: +61 7 4124 5411
Fax: +61 7 4124 5833
Web: www.fcac.qld.edu.au
Address: Doolong South Rd, Wondunna Q 4655
Postal: PO Box 1150, Hervey Bay Q 4655