Welcome to St John’s Anglican Church Hervey Bay
“We all take seriously our Baptism calling to be disciples of Jesus. We recognize that we are all engaged in a journey to God and that we need the support and love of one another on that journey.”
The members of this Parish have been ministering to the local community for over 110 years. The Parish community has been a spiritual home to many individuals and families over that time.
We are committed to the Mission of God – the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ in this area.
You might like to explore this website to get a feel for the way in which we engage in God’s Mission. Or, better still, you might like to come along to one of our Worship Services and meet us as we follow Christ within the Anglican tradition.

Rev'd Greg Loumeau
The Rev’d Greg Loumeau, the Parish Priest at St John’s Anglican Church in Hervey Bay, is passionate about encouraging and supporting people to find practical ways to deepen their relationship with God and put their faith into action.
He has a background in high School Education and was a school chaplain for 10 years before being appointed as the Parish Priest at St John’s.
Greg and his family moved to The Bay in 2014 and loves living in this little piece of God’s paradise. He is married to Lauren and they have three children who attend Fraser Coast Anglican College. In his spare time he enjoys fishing and tinkering in the garage so as to avoid having to mow the lawn.